Andrea Dunlop, known for her novels We Came Here To Forget and The Mother Next Door, is also involved in podcasting. She co-hosted a podcast called Nobody Should Believe Me, which ran for 18 episodes. She is a married woman who resides in Seattle, Washington with her husband and daughter. She is 42 years old.

Andrea Dunlop

Her sister has Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MBP)

In her podcast episode “Nobody Should Believe Me”, Andrea Dunlop shared anecdotes about her sister Megan's unique and concerning health struggles over the years. One memorable story included Megan undergoing several surgeries on her knees and back during adolescence, as well as shaving her head to mimic hair loss.

Andrea discovered that her sister was suffering from Munchausen syndrome, a condition where individuals fake illness, and later from MBP, where they make others believe they are sick. In Munchausen syndrome by proxy, individuals manipulate another person to appear ill through various means.

Andrea's family reached out to their family doctor for help due to concerns about Megan's behavior. Despite appearing normal, Andrea was anxious about Megan's well-being, especially as she became pregnant again. She worried about her nephew and tried to talk to her sister but received no remorse or acknowledgement of any mistakes.

Dunlop shared how isolating it can be to have experienced MBP within their own family, as nobody wanted to discuss or acknowledge the disorder. This reluctance to address the issue stems from the difficulty people have in understanding MBP, which can remain undetected for a long time due to sufferers' ability to conceal their symptoms.

Megan took legal action against her sister Andrea after she published her book, Losing The Light, which contained defamatory statements. Despite the lawsuit, Andrea continued to advocate for the well-being of her nephews and nieces.