Andrea Robin Skinner, daughter of the famous Canadian writer Alice Munro, recently shared in an article in the Toronto Star that she was sexually abused by her stepfather, Gerald Fremlin. Alice Munro is known for her intricate portrayals of women and girls in her writings. She has received numerous prestigious awards, including the Man Booker International Prize and the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Andrea Robin Skinner, Alice Munro's Daughter

Skinner provided a thorough account of the incident, stating that Fremlin entered her bed and sexually assaulted her. Also, she mentioned that he pressured her to discuss intimate details about her sex life and shared his own personal information.

Skinner is an artist by profession

Skinner is an artist and meditation instructor had been estranged from her family for a long time. Author Robert Thacker knew about Skinner's claims before writing the biography on Alice Munro in 2005 'Alice Munro: Writing Her Lives' but decided not to include them to avoid causing further family issues.

In a meeting with Skinner in 2001, Thacker learned that she had cut ties with her family. He chose not to disclose the details of his discussions with Munro about Skinner.

Andrea Robin Skinner Testimony

According to Skinner's account, Fremlin engaged in inappropriate behavior such as stripping naked, discussing women he liked, and disclosing Munro's sexual preferences. As a result of the attack, Skinner experienced bulimia, insomnia, and headaches that greatly impacted her future. These struggles prevented her from fully transitioning into adulthood at the age of 25 due to feeling emotionally and physically unwell.

Skinner told her mother about the violence she had experienced, writing her a letter. Munro's reaction seemed shocked, as if she had found out about an affair. Skinner believed that her mother was struggling to forgive her. The family's relationship with Munro and Fremlin remained strained. In response to Skinner's letter, Fremlin accused her of being a "homewrecker" and threatened to publicly shame her by publishing her photograph.